Catholic Advocacy Network
Our voice has more impact when we work together. The Maryland Catholic Advocacy Network is the statewide Catholic coalition dedicated to advocating for policies and laws that promote the common good and the dignity of human life for people across Maryland.
Please use these resources to engage parishioners in this important work.
General Resources
- Sign-up flyer for parishes, school parents and Catholic organizations (option 2: two flyers/page)
- Action Center with the latest action alerts during the General Assembly session (Jan. to April), plus legislator lookup and the Catholic Advocacy Network sign up
- Graphics and a QR code (below) for your website and other outreach
Bulletin-Flocknote announcements
ENGLISH - Bulletin-Flocknote Announcements
Your Voice Matters
Our state’s General Assembly creates laws that affect us, our Church, families, and vulnerable neighbors. Join parishioners from across Maryland as part of the Catholic Advocacy Network of the Maryland Catholic Conference. Receive updates plus action alerts on what you’d like: life, social and economic justice, and education and youth justice. Sign up at mdcatholic.org/joincan or text MDCATHOLIC to 52886.
Put Your Faith Into Action
The Catholic Advocacy Network of Maryland lets you put your faith into action. Get occasional updates on legislation and news impacting our Church and the people we serve plus action alerts to contact your state legislators on issues that matter to you. Go to mdcatholic.org/joincan or text MDCATHOLIC to 52886.
Pray for Our Elected Officials
The Maryland General Assembly is in session through mid-April. Our elected officials are voting on laws and regulations that will affect human dignity in many areas of life, as well as our schools and ministries. Please keep their important work in prayer. You can download a prayer card (English or Spanish) at mdcatholic.org/pray.
General intercessions
ENGLISH - General Intercessions
For the people of Maryland, that we may be united in building a society in which everyone can have the opportunity to live with dignity and hope, we pray to the Lord. . . .
For the Church, that we may be a witness to Christ’s love by practicing charity and promoting justice and peace throughout our communities, we pray to the Lord. . . .
For Catholics throughout our nation, that the values of our faith may guide us to be active participants in civic life, we pray to the Lord. . . .
For the members of this community, that we may find ways to help build a world of greater respect for human life and human dignity, we pray to the Lord. . . .
For those who serve in elected office, that they may lead with courage and wisdom, reflecting the Church’s teaching that the moral test of our society is how the weak, the poor, and the vulnerable are faring, we pray to the Lord. . . .
For Maryland residents, that our participation in the public square may lead to a world of greater respect for life and commitment to justice and peace, we pray to the Lord. . . .