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Catholic Advocacy Day

Catholics across Maryland are invited to put our Catholic faith into action as  members of the Catholic Advocacy Network. You will get updates about state legislation, action alerts, and first notice of our virtual Catholic Advocacy Day.

Parish Resources

Bulletin-Flocknote announcements

ENGLISH - Bulletin-Flocknote Announcements

Maryland Catholic Advocacy Day is Feb. 19

Put your faith into action! Maryland’s virtual Catholic Advocacy Day is Feb. 19. In just three minutes, you can send action alerts that will have an impact impact with the legislators who represent us in Maryland. Visit mdcatholic.org/advocacyday for details and to sign up for the Catholic Advocacy Network. Advocacy day is organized by the Maryland Catholic Conference, which represents our Catholic Church before the state General Assembly. 

Put Your Faith Into Action

Our state’s General Assembly creates laws that affect us, our Church, families and vulnerable neighbors. As a member of the Maryland Catholic Advocacy Network, you will join parishioners across Maryland in speaking up for life and justice during the legislative session. Get updates, plus choose action alerts on life, social and economic justice, and/or education and youth justice. Go to mdcatholic.org/joincan.

Be a Voice for Hope and Justice

Join Catholics from across Maryland on Feb. 19 for the virtual Catholic Advocacy Day. You will get selected alerts on life, education, and social and economic justice. Just click and send. Sign up now for advance notice at mdcatholic.org/joincan. Sponsored by the Maryland Catholic Conference, the public policy organization for Maryland’s (arch)dioceses. #MDCatholic

Social Media Posts

ENGLISH - Catholic Advocacy Day

Catholic Advocacy Day in Maryland is Feb. 19. Be a voice for hope and justice with our state legislators on life, education, and social and economic justice:  mdcatholic.org/advocacyday #MDCatholic @mdcatholic

Put your Catholic faith into action with the General Assembly. Join the Maryland Catholic Advocacy Network. Go to mdcatholic.org/joincan.

Join me for Catholic Advocacy Day in Maryland. Contact your state senator and delegates on critical issues affecting our Church and the people we serve. The Maryland Catholic Conference is at mdcatholic.org/advocacyday #MdCatholic @mdcatholic


Use for web, email and social and link to mdcatholic.org/joincan

Catholic Advocacy Network sign up