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Advocacy Day Briefing Room
One day. Six issues. Immeasurable impact.
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Advocacy Day Topics
OPPOSE physician assisted suicide
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Physician assisted suicide attacks the dignity of human life.
Quick Facts (SB 926 | HB 1328)
- Puts vulnerable people, such as persons with disabilities and the elderly, at risk for abuse or coercion to commit suicide vs. receiving care.
- Allows prescribing a lethal drug overdose to patients deemed to be terminally ill with less than six months to live.
- Does not require mental health evaluations and monitoring.
- Has no protection against insurance fraud or pressure.
- Does not require family notification.
- NEW THIS YEAR: Eliminates residency and proof-of-residency requirements, opening the door to “suicide tourism” and undermining the integrity of truly compassionate end-of-life care.
- Does not require medical supervision, so if something goes wrong, like choking or a change of mind, the person is on his or her own.
- Does not have safeguards to prevent lethal and highly addictive drugs that aren’t used from getting out into our communities.
SUPPORT BOOST scholarships
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SUPPORT BOOST Scholarship Program
Quick Facts
As Catholics, we believe that parents have a right to ensure the best education for their children.
- BOOST scholarships enable those who might not otherwise be able to afford a Catholic education with the means to do so.
- Expands access to Catholic schools, providing an educational option for Maryland’s kids.
- BOOST is an important racial and economic justice program that closes the achievement gap for low-income Maryland children.
- Parent demand for BOOST scholarships this year is $15.5 million. That far exceeds the $9 million the state allotted for the scholarships.
SUPPORT initiative to reduce food deserts
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Food deserts impact health and budgets of residents statewide.
Quick Facts (SB 353 | HB 1434)
- Food deserts are geographic areas where residents have limited access to affordable, nutritious food, particularly fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Approximately 25% of Baltimore City residents live in food deserts; nearly 100,000 Prince George’s County residents live in areas designated as food deserts; and western Maryland counties such as Allegany and Garrett face rural food access challenges, with some residents living more than 20 miles from the nearest full-service grocery store.
- Food shortages and increasing prices have put additional strain on the already limited resources in food deserts.
- Health issues are one of the most pressing concerns for those living in food deserts. The prevalence of convenience stores and fast-food restaurants in these areas mean processed foods are easier and cheaper to obtain, resulting in diets high in fat, salt and sugar and low in nutrients.
SUPPORT Protecting Sensitive Locations Act
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The Protecting Sensitive Locations Act would protect human dignity and uphold our fundamental right to practice our faith and serve all who seek spiritual comfort.
Quick Facts (SB 828 | HB 1006)
What this legislation does:
- Protects human dignity by ensuring immigrants can access essential services without fear.
- Helps prevent family separation by reducing immigration enforcement in places where families seek vital services.
- Protects vulnerable immigrant families seeking healthcare, education and spiritual support and guidance.
- By protecting places of worship as sensitive locations, upholds our fundamental right to practice our faith and serve all who seek spiritual comfort.
- Helps to foster trust between communities and public institutions, leading to safer and healthier communities for all people.
SUPPORT accountability for maternal and reproductive healthcare
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Requiring the state to collect critical data will provide informed and transparent maternal healthcare policy.
Quick Facts (SB 965 | HB 1357)
- Maryland is one of only three states that does not currently collect and report critical fiscal data for maternal and reproductive healthcare, creating a significant gap in understanding the true economic and health care impacts on families and communities.
- Accurate, comprehensive data will help identify disparities in maternal healthcare access, improve resources allocation and ensure that all Marylanders receive equitable and compassionate care.
- Collection of this data will lead to informed policy making and transparent healthcare planning regarding maternal healthcare.
SUPPORT geriatric and medical parole
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Catholic doctrine tells us that a criminal justice system should preserve and protect the common good of society and offer restoration of public order, which includes restoration for victims and offenders alike. This bill strikes a balance between protecting the common good and rehabilitation.
- Allows elderly inmates to petition for parole if a medical professional has determined that they are chronically debilitated or suffering from a terminal illness or are physically incapable of presenting any danger to society due to health.
- Allows elderly inmates who have served at least 15 years and present no danger to society due to age and circumstance to petition for parole.
- The parole commission would consider factors such as illness, prognosis, available family support and age in determining eligibility for medical parole.
- The Church roots much of its social justice teaching in the inherent dignity of every human person and the principles of forgiveness, redemption and restoration.
- Our justice system must serve not only to hold individuals accountable but also to offer opportunities for rehabilitation and restoration to society.