Committee: Health & Government Operations

The Maryland Catholic Conference (MCC) is the public policy representative of the three (arch)dioceses serving Maryland, which together encompass over one million Marylanders. Statewide, their parishes, schools, hospitals, and numerous charities combine to form our state’s second largest social service provider network, behind only our state government.

House Bill 430 prohibits the Maryland Department of Health from establishing an upper age limit for eligibility to receive Employed Individuals with Disabilities Program services.

The principle of solidarity calls us to stand united with our most vulnerable and marginalized brothers and sisters in society. Individuals with disabilities often face significant barriers to accessing healthcare, which profoundly impacts their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Expanding access to the Maryland Medical Assistance Program for qualified applicants and current recipients under the Employed Individuals with Disabilities (EID) Program affirms their intrinsic worth and their right to the care and support they need to thrive.

Our Catholic tradition emphasizes promoting the common good and ensuring that all members of society can participate fully and share their gifts and talents. Access to healthcare is a fundamental human right essential for individuals to live with dignity aernd fulfill their God-given potential. Providing Maryland Medical Assistance Program services to individuals with disabilities upholds their dignity and recognizes their inherent value. Age-based limits on access to EID program services should not be mandated. Individuals who are enrolled in the program and remain capable of working, even if they are of an age to receive Social Security benefits, should be allowed to continue receiving healthcare services. This ensures their health and wellness are supported, enabling them to contribute meaningfully to society.

For these reasons, the Maryland Catholic Conference asks for a favorable report on HB 430. Thank you for your consideration.