Immigration Resources

The Maryland Catholic Conference pursues public policies that promote trust between the immigrant community and law enforcement, protect victims and witnesses to crimes, and regulate labor contractors to address labor trafficking, among other initiatives.

Use these resources to learn about and support the dignity of immigrants.

(English and Spanish texts)

Catholic Teaching

Explore what the Catholic Church teaches about immigration individually or with your parish group.


Teaching and Prayer Resources

Advocacy and Support


Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLINIC)

  • Know Your Rights When Interacting with Law Enforcement
    (in multiple languages at “click to download resource”)

Catholic Charities USA

Maryland bishops


    Practical support is available from local Catholic Charities.

    Archdiocese of Washington 

    Archdiocese of Baltimore

    Diocese of Wilmington

    “Dear brothers and sisters, our response to the challenges posed by contemporary migration can be summed up in four verbs: welcome, protect, promote and integrate.”

    Pope Francis

    May 2019