Maryland’s Catholic bishops have released a joint statement to express their solidarity with immigrants and recommit to advocating for policies that protect rights and uphold their dignity.

The eight bishops include Baltimore Archbishop William E. Lori; Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Apostolic Administrator of Washington; Wilmington Bishop William Koenig; and the state’s five auxiliary bishops.

“In Solidarity and Accompaniment” (“En Solidaridad y Acompañamiento”) comes days after a statewide workshop that provided information and resources addressing legal rights, practical support, and national policy. Speakers included national Catholic experts and a representative from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

The bishops write, “The Church has always been a home for those in search of refuge and peace, and we remain steadfast in our commitment to welcome the stranger and embrace the vulnerable.”

“In Solidarity and Accompaniment”

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In these challenging times, marked by anxiety, uncertainty, and change, we turn our hearts to the words of Jesus: “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Inspired by His example, we extend a message of comfort, hope, and unwavering solidarity to our immigrant brothers and sisters.

The Catholic Church, guided by Christ’s call to love and serve one another, recognizes the profound struggles faced by immigrant communities. Many of you carry heavy burdens — of separation, fear, and the unknown. Yet, you also bring with you the strength of your faith, the richness of your cultures, and the hope of building a better future for your families.

We want you to know that you are not alone. We stand with you, journeying alongside you in solidarity and accompaniment. We are here to offer compassionate care, to listen to your needs, and to advocate for justice on your behalf. The Church has always been a home for those in search of refuge and peace, and we remain steadfast in our commitment to welcome the stranger and embrace the vulnerable.

During times of uncertainty, our faith reminds us of the dignity and worth bestowed upon every person by our Creator. Let us remember the words of Pope Francis, who calls us to see in every migrant not “a problem to be solved, but … brothers and sisters to be welcomed, respected, and loved.”

We remain deeply committed to offering meaningful support — resources that nourish the body, care that uplifts the spirit, and opportunities to nurture your faith.

Our parishes, schools, and ministries are here for you, offering spaces where you can find community and grow in faith. We also commit to advocating for policies that protect your rights and uphold your dignity, trusting that our collective voices will help build a society rooted in compassion and justice.

May the love of Christ, who Himself was a migrant and knew the hardships of being far from home, be your source of strength and comfort. Let us pray together for courage, unity, and perseverance, trusting that God walks with us on this journey.

Most Reverend William E. Lori, Archbishop of Baltimore
Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Apostolic Administrator of Washington
Most Reverend William Koenig, Bishop of Wilmington
Most Reverend Roy Campbell, Auxiliary Bishop of Washington
Most Reverend Juan Esposito, Auxiliary Bishop of Washington
Most Reverend Bruce Lewandowski, CSsR, Auxiliary Bishop of Baltimore
Most Reverend Evelio Menjivar, Auxiliary Bishop of Washington
Most Reverend Adam Parker, Auxiliary Bishop of Baltimore

“En Solidaridad y Acompañamiento”

Queridos Hermanas y Hermanos,

En estos tiempos difíciles, marcados por la ansiedad, la incertidumbre y el cambio, volvemos nuestros corazones a las palabras de Jesús: “Vengan a mí, todos los que están cansados y agobiados, y yo les daré descanso” (Mateo 11:28). Inspirados por su ejemplo, les extendemos un mensaje de consuelo, esperanza y solidaridad inquebrantable a nuestros hermanos y hermanas inmigrantes. 

La Iglesia Católica, guiada por el llamado de Cristo a amarnos y servirnos mutuamente, reconoce las profundas luchas que enfrentan las comunidades inmigrantes. Muchos de ustedes cargan pesadas cargas: de separación, temor y lo desconocido. Sin embargo, también traen consigo la fortaleza de su fe, la riqueza de sus culturas y la esperanza de construir un futuro mejor para sus familias. 

Queremos que sepan que no están solos. Estamos con ustedes, caminando a su lado en solidaridad y acompañamiento. Estamos aquí para ofrecerles atención compasiva, para escuchar sus necesidades y para abogar por la justicia en su nombre. La Iglesia siempre ha sido un hogar para quienes buscan refugio y paz, y seguimos firmes en nuestro compromiso de acoger al extranjero y abrazar a los más vulnerables. 

En tiempos de incertidumbre, nuestra fe nos recuerda la dignidad y el valor que nuestro Creador ha otorgado a cada persona. Recordemos las palabras del Papa Francisco, quien nos llama a ver en cada migrante no “un problema que resolver, sino … hermanos y hermanas que debemos acoger, respetar y amar.”

Seguimos profundamente comprometidos a ofrecer un apoyo significativo –  recursos que alimenten el cuerpo, cuidado que eleva el espíritu y oportunidades para nutrir su fe. Nuestras parroquias, escuelas y ministerios están aquí para ustedes, ofreciendo espacios donde puedan encontrar comunidad y crecer en la fe. También nos comprometemos a abogar por políticas que protejan sus derechos y defiendan su dignidad, confiando en que nuestras voces colectivas ayudarán a construir una sociedad basada en la compasión y la justicia. 

Que el amor de Cristo, quien Él mismo fue migrante y conoció las dificultades de estar lejos de casa, sea su fuente de fortaleza y consuelo. Oremos juntos por valor, unidad y perseverancia, confiando en que Dios camina con nosotros en este camino.

Reverendísimo William E. Lori, Arzobispo de Baltimore
Cardenal Wilton Gregory, Administrador Apostólico de Washington
Reverendísimo Mons. William Koenig, Obispo de Wilmington
Reverendísimo Mons. Roy Campbell, Obispo Auxiliar de Washington
Reverendísimo Mons. Juan Esposito, Obispo Auxiliar de Washington
Reverendísimo Mons. Bruce Lewandowski, CSsR, Obispo Auxiliar de Baltimore
Reverendísimo Mons. Evelio Menjivar, Obispo Auxiliar de Washington
Reverendísimo Mons. Adam Parker, Obispo Auxiliar de Baltimore