Immigration Resources
The Maryland Catholic Conference pursues public policies that promote trust between the immigrant community and law enforcement, protect victims and witnesses to crimes, and regulate labor contractors to address labor trafficking, among other initiatives.
Use these resources to learn about and support the dignity of immigrants.
(English and Spanish texts)
Prayers & General Intercessions
PRAYERS (downloadable)
- St. Juan Diego prayer card (English and Spanish)
- Booklet of prayers for migrants (St. Juan Diego, St. Josephine Bakhita, prayer for children)
- Scriptural Rosary (English)
English, Spanish and French are here; additional languages are online.
Merciful God,
we pray to you for all the men, women and children who have died after leaving their homelands in search of a better life.
Though many of their graves bear no name,
to you each one is known, loved and cherished.
May we never forget them, but honour their sacrifice with deeds more than words.
We entrust to you all those who have made this journey, enduring fear, uncertainty and humiliation,
in order to reach a place of safety and hope.
Just as you never abandoned your Son
as he was brought to a safe place by Mary and Joseph,
so now be close to these, your sons and daughters,
through our tenderness and protection.
In caring for them may we seek a world
where none are forced to leave their home
and where all can live in freedom, dignity and peace.
Merciful God and Father of all,
wake us from the slumber of indifference,
open our eyes to their suffering,
and free us from the insensitivity
born of worldly comfort and self-centredness.
Inspire us, as nations, communities and individuals,
to see that those who come to our shores are our brothers and sisters.
May we share with them the blessings we have received from your hand,
and recognize that together, as one human family,
we are all migrants, journeying in hope to you, our true home,
where every tear will be wiped away,
where we will be at peace and safe in your embrace.
Dios de Misericordia,
te pedimos por todos los hombres, mujeres y niños
que han muerto después de haber dejado su tierra,
buscando una vida mejor.
Aunque muchas de sus tumbas no tienen nombre,
para ti cada uno es conocido, amado y predilecto.
Que jamás los olvidemos,
sino que honremos su sacrificio con obras más que con palabras.
Te confiamos a quienes han realizado este viaje,
afrontando el miedo, la incertidumbre y la humillación,
para alcanzar un lugar de seguridad y de esperanza.
Así como tú no abandonaste a tu Hijo
cuando José y María lo llevaron a un lugar seguro,
muéstrate cercano a estos hijos tuyos
a través de nuestra ternura y protección.
Haz que, con nuestra atención hacia ellos,
promovamos un mundo en el que nadie se vea forzado a dejar su propia casa
y todos puedan vivir en libertad, dignidad y paz.
Dios de misericordia y Padre de todos,
despiértanos del sopor de la indiferencia,
abre nuestros ojos a sus sufrimientos
y líbranos de la insensibilidad, fruto del bienestar mundano
y del encerrarnos en nosotros mismos.
Ilumina a todos, a las naciones, comunidades y a cada uno de nosotros,
para que reconozcamos como nuestros hermanos y hermanas
a quienes llegan a nuestras costas.
Ayúdanos a compartir con ellos las bendiciones
que hemos recibido de tus manos y a reconocer que juntos,
como una única familia humana,
somos todos emigrantes, viajeros de esperanza hacia ti,
que eres nuestra verdadera casa,
allí donde toda lágrima será enjugada,
donde estaremos en la paz y seguros en tu abrazo.
Dieu miséricordieux,
nous te prions pour tous les hommes, pour toutes les femmes et pour tous les enfants,
qui sont morts après avoir quitté leur pays à la recherche d’une vie meilleure.
Bien que beaucoup de leurs tombes ne portent aucun nom,
chacun d’eux est connu, aimé et chéri de toi.
Puissions-nous ne jamais les oublier, mais honorer leur sacrifice
plus par les actes que par les paroles.
Nous te confions tous ceux qui ont fait ce voyage,
affrontant la peur, l’incertitude et l’humiliation,
en vue de parvenir à un endroit de sécurité et d’espérance.
Tout comme tu n’as jamais abandonné ton Fils
lorsqu’il a été conduit à un endroit sûr par Marie et par Joseph,
de même à présent sois proche de tes fils et de tes filles que voici,
à travers notre tendresse et notre protection.
En prenant soin d’eux, puissions-nous travailler pour un monde
où personne n’est contraint à abandonner sa maison
et où chacun peut vivre dans la liberté, la dignité et la paix.
Dieu miséricordieux et Père de tous,
réveille-nous du sommeil de l’indifférence,
ouvre nos yeux à leur souffrance,
et libère-nous de l’insensibilité
générée par le confort mondain et l’égocentrisme.
Aide-nous, en tant que nations, communautés et individus,
à voir que ceux qui viennent dans nos contrées sont nos frères et sœurs.
Puissions-nous partager avec eux les bénédictions que nous avons reçues de tes mains,
et reconnaître qu’ensemble, comme une famille humaine unique,
nous sommes tous des migrants, en chemin dans l’espérance vers toi, notre vraie maison,
où toute larme sera essuyée,
où nous serons tous en paix et en sécurité dans tes bras.
For migrants, refugees and all other strangers in our midst, that they may find strength in our concern for justice and feel the warmth of our love, we pray to the Lord.
For all Catholics, that God inspire them to take action in their local communities to support and protect migrants and to advocate on their behalf, we pray to the Lord.
For unaccompanied migrant children, that God protect them on their journey and safely reunite them with their families, we pray to the Lord.
For migrant workers, that they may labor in safe and just conditions, and that we who benefit from their labor may be truly grateful for what they provide, we pray to the Lord.
For migrants, refugees, and all other strangers in our midst, that they may find strength in our concern for justice and feel the warmth of our love, we pray to the Lord.
(adapted from USCCB, Justice for Immigrants)
Church Teaching on Immigration
Most materials are available in English and Spanish; Vatican documents are available in additional languages.
- FAQ on the Catholic Church and Immigration (support, position on border security and more)
- Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope | Juntos en el Camino de la Esperanza Ya No Somos Extranjeros (pastoral letter from U.S. and Mexican bishops)
- Catholic Elements on Immigration Reform (online and two-page PDF)
- Migration and Catholic Social Teaching (two-page PDF)
- U.S. Refugee Admissions Program and the Catholic Church
- Immigration Reform and the Church learning modules
- In Solidarity and Accompaniment (2025, PDF – English and Spanish)
- Addressing Immigration in Maryland (2017, PDF – English and Spanish)
- Archdiocese of Baltimore immigration resource page
This flyer includes key information from the resources here in one place:
- Catholic Church position on immigration reform
- Catholic principles of immigration
- Quotes from the Catechism and other resources.
One page is English; una pagina esta en español.
Este folleto incluye información de los recursos aquí en un solo lugar:
- Posición de la Iglesia Católica sobre la reforma migratoria
- Principios católicos de la inmigración
- Citas del Catecismo y otros recursos.
Catholic Charities + CLINIC Legal Resources
Learn about Catholic Charities, migrants and ministry:
- Catholic Charities USA (include FAQ)
(Arch)dioceses serving Maryland
- Archdiocese of Washington
- Archdiocese of Baltimore
- Diocese of Wilmington Catholic Charities
The Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLINIC) provides resources to provide information about legal rights for immigrants.
Resources are downloadable in multiple languages:
“Dear brothers and sisters, our response to the challenges posed by contemporary migration can be summed up in four verbs: welcome, protect, promote and integrate.”