Abortion bills being introduced by state legislators aren’t responding to the needs of Maryland women.
A proposed constitutional amendment that would enshrine abortion as a right, for example, would do absolutely nothing to change abortion availability because Maryland already has some of the most permissive abortion laws in the nation.
We need are leaders who are committed both to accountability and to ensuring that no woman who wants a child is left behind.
Maryland is one of very few states that has no mandated abortion reporting; women deserve better than that. We call upon leadership to support legislation that will track, at the minimum, the number of Maryland abortions, age of mother, weeks of pregnancy and type of abortion.
Further, abortion without alternatives is reproductive coercion. National polling shows that a majority Latinas and African Americans support restrictions, not expansion, of abortion. In a state where we rightfully are concerned about racial and economic inequities, we need to respond to these women and ensure that they have access to the basic necessities they need to survive and thrive, not pressure to abort due to economic, education and other circumstances.
Maryland women want support and they want individuals to hear their stories, understand their struggles and provide them with opportunities to achieve their dreams and raise their children.
The Maryland Catholic Conference has pulled together a number of resources to help lift up women and their children at Helping Hope Bloom.
To help advocate for policies that will support both women and children, join the Catholic Advocacy Network.